Saturday, May 25, 2019

Skin disorders and rashes caused due to Aids or HIV

People who are newly affected by HIV or Aids, rashes or skin disorder is one of the earliest symptoms. There is a wide range of infections, allergic reactions, illnesses and lesions which can irritate the skin. However, if you have rashes on your body, it is never sufficient to diagnose HIV. If you observe your immune system of the body, it will also get weak by HIV. Having it diagnosed during its primary stage shall indicate disease progressions like cancers or other infections which take immune dysfunction as an advantage in the later stages of the disease.

It is proven that approximately 90 percent if the people infected with HIV, develop some skin disorders and changes during this disease. However, People who undergo the treatment with preservations of their immune system timely and good viral control, may not face any skin problems and if they face any, it will be less severe furthermore easy to treat.

As such, there is no particular kind of rash that is linked with HIV or Aids but here are some rashes which may be the sign of aids
  1. Seroconversion rash- Body develops flu-like symptoms and a rash. It can also cause swollen lymph nodes.
  2. Cellulitis- It is an infection caused in the deepest layers of the skin which can cause intense pain, redness, and swelling. It usually starts with a small cut or nick in the skin.
  3.  Herpes- It manifests as a rash and is highly contagious. It may cause crusty, painful blisters on the mouth or genitals.
  4. Molluscum contagiosum- It is a wart-like condition can cause lesions which can also spread to other people as it is highly contagious. Lesions are skin small colored tiny pimples which do not hurt but get worse over time.
  5. Folliculitis-It is caused by the infected hair follicle. It usually spreads on the shaved areas of the body and produces pus-filled, red bumps
  6. Dermatitis- Though there is numerous kind of dermatitis, but the most common is seborrheic dermatitis. The itchy rashes by dermatitis can further lead to scaly plaques, on the scalp, chest, face or groin
There are three stages of HIV with a skin disorder which is most likely to occur
  1. AIDS
  2. Chronic HIV
  3. Acute HIV
Most likely, people during stage one and three experience these kinds of skin problems which are-

Xerosis- It is skin dryness that usually appears like scaly patches on arms and legs. Not just with people infected by HIV, but this condition is prevalent. It can be caused in hot or dry weather, taking hot showers or even during overexposure to the sun. It can be treated with lifestyle changes and moisturizers. Lifestyle changes include avoiding long hot shower baths, doing any physical work in the afternoon when the sun is at most. If it is severe, then you need to be prescribed by the doctor, and proper medications should be followed

Prurigo nodularis- It is a condition in which itchiness is caused on the skin due to lumps and a scab like appearance. It is mostly seen on arms and legs. It affects people with the acutely compromised immune system. It can cause so severe itching which may further result in bleeding, open wounds and even an infection. It can be treated with antihistamines and steroid creams. In severe cases, cryotherapy is recommended in which the lumps are frozen.

Syphilis- It leads to chancres or painless sores either inside the mouth or over the genitals. If a person is severely affected by Syphilis, they may also experience swollen lymph nodes or a sore throat. It typically appears on the soles or palms. Having direct sexual contact with a person who is already affected by Syphilis is the leading cause of this disorder. It is usually treated with the antibiotics for penicillin allergy and also with the penicillin injections.

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